Not all content is created equal. But that shouldn’t stop you from delivering the best content you can. At, we strive to provide quality articles no matter the occasion. We wanted to take this time to share what we’ve found as the more successful types of content that we can create for you.
- “How-to”
What Google, Yahoo, and Bing care most about is delivering the highest quality content coupled with expert information to their readers. It is therefore essential that the writing you publish provides a depth of knowledge that others can’t match. If your blog is about fruit flies, then you should be able to share not only background information on fruit flies (we all have access to Wikipedia) but ways of preventing and ridding one’s kitchen of fruit flies. Likewise, if your blog is about selling items on Etsy, you may want to consider a “how-to” article on ways to promote one’s products. The reason exists is to write those articles for you or at least some of them, so you can focus on what you do best – selling your product, service, etc. Therefore, we urge all bloggers to have at least one expert article in their arsenal.
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- State of the Industry
Another effective article to include in your content planning is what we refer to as the “state of the industry” article. The objective here is to explain to your readers certain events that may be unfolding or will be unfolding shortly. For example, if you are writing about basketball or the NBA, you would certainly discuss LeBron James and his comments regarding free speech in Hong Kong. Why? Not only is it timely, but people are clamoring for different perspectives. If you can capture the pulse of the industry you have a great chance of becoming a thought leader, and grow a sizeable following.
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- Journeys and Checklists
You’ve done it before. As an expert in this area, you learned some tips and tricks along the way. Now it’s time to share the wealth of knowledge you gained with new entrants to the field. Therefore, you want to frame this type of content by first explaining how you overcame certain obstacles on the road to success. Then, you want to provide a checklist that clearly explains the steps one should take when embarking on this endeavor. Your readers will appreciate the insight you’re sharing (believe me).